Community Events
Handover of Recreation Committee funds to the PC
If residents would like to hold a community event for the village, there are funds available. Please contact the clerk, Laura Brooks-Payne clerk@littleberkhamsted.org.uk to discuss.
Beautiful wedding on the village Recreation Field - September 2021
The Platinum Jubilee Weekend Celebrations
The planning and team of volunteers behind the Little Berkhamsted Jubilee celebrations did a brilliant job, however despite all the planning it would never have been a success without the overwhelming support of our village community. The Thursday evening BBQ and Beacon lighting event welcomed, we estimate, an incredible 200 residents, their friends and families. It was clear from the laughter and comradery and the comments after that everyone enjoyed themselves and had a very memorable evening. The newly planted tree for the Queens green canopy was marked with a plaque and the stunning beacon created by Essendon forge took pride of place and marked the occasion well. Both were funded by successful grant applications and we can only thank all those involved in making it possible. For posterity, as well as the tree which will grow for future generations, the Beacon is to be a permanent feature within the village a reminder of the occasion and how we marked the Queens Platinum Jubilee.
The Sunday Jubilee lunch again was an astounding success with about 150 local people attending with their picnics, despite the inclement weather, more than could possibly be imagined in the planning. The atmosphere beneath the row of marquees created by everyone coming together and celebrating was quite magical, lunch was rounded off well by the Jubilee cupcakes tea and coffee so generously provided. The afternoon will be a lasting memory for all to carry forward and treasure. The occasion was marked with the amazing Irish dancing twice world champion Joe McGeown who performed especially for Little B
before going off on his tour with River Dance. It was lovely to see the children who were so obviously impressed and inspired by Jo, doing their own little renditions of his amazing footwork on the stage for the rest of the afternoon as well as making crowns and competing in the games, races and family cricket match, that alone demonstrates quite how incredible Joe was. We all wish him the best of luck for the future and will surely follow his career.
Thank you to everyone who bought raffle tickets, and to everyone who provided the amazing gifts that made the raffle ticket selling a very easy job. There were some very lucky winners.
As well as these two memorable events, the Church was open over the four days for all, with a wonderful Royal Jubilee themed flower festival, the displays of which could easily have been at The Chelsea Flower show the week before. The vintage afternoon tea and live music on Saturday, also so well attended, was perfected only by the sun shining just in time adding a twinkle to show the efforts, the support and our beautiful church in the very best of lights.
Thank you Everyone for coming together supporting our Jubilee event and making it a weekend to remember. Leiselle Bristow, Storeys Cottage
The Platinum Jubilee Beacon
On Thursday 2nd June 2022, with Little B looking resplendent with so much bunting adorning the village, we gathered at the cricket club on the village green on a beautiful evening to start the celebrations for our Majesty’s Jubilee weekend. The cricket club members made everyone very welcome and enjoyed another opportunity to show off the recently refurbished pavilion and provide food and drink which was greatly appreciated. We all wish for a glorious summer and we got it when ‘Summer’ a very talented singer opened her first session and proceeded to entertain us with a wide range of songs with many of us joining in, but not with the same ability. Two oak trees have been planted on the green as part of the ‘Queen’s Green Canopy Project’ and a special ceremony was held to dedicate them as part of this wonderful initiative. In due course we can watch them grow and remind ourselves of the lovely occasion we enjoyed at their dedication. As the corks popped and the noise levels rose with so many people enjoying themselves, Summer returned to the stage, sang beautifully and managed to get lots of us up to dance. A magnificent beacon had been placed on the field and we all gathered round for its lighting, but not before we heard a beautifully spoken special reading and bugle fanfare. We held our breath as we watched wondering if it would light, but we need not have worried, for off it went and a huge round of applause rang out. Celebrations continued late into the evening at this ‘once in a lifetime’ event, something never to be forgotten and our thanks go out to everyone involved in its organisation especially to Penny, her team and the cricket club.
Melvyn Byrne Rose Cottage
Little Berkhamsted Events - Get Involved
New Beginnings
When the Recreation Committee closed down we had a significant amount of money left in the account. In consultation with the Parish Council we have agreed to use this money to create a new Community Fund that will be used solely for the purpose of enabling community events to take place. There will no longer be a call on these funds for the maintenance of Parish Properties and the Parish Council has kindly agreed to keep the fund viable and administer it for the village. This means that any member of our community that wishes to hold a community event can approach the Parish Council for support and funding. In the past the Recreation Committee felt that people may not have wanted to join or get too involved because they feared being stuck doing it for ever more. Hopefully now if residents have a particular interest in putting on an event they can do so without having to get bogged down with other stuff. We now all have the power to take on pet projects that we feel would benefit our community and village and I hope that people will take the opportunity to get involved and improve the village and our environment for the benefit of us all. It can be hard work but very rewarding.
It is important to point out that not all events need to be money makers. Our Parish Council is keen to promote and support events that bring our community together and continue to make Little B such a fantastic place to live. Please remember the resources we have, it is our Village Hall, our Play Area, our Recreation Field and our Cricket Pavilion. These are all owned by, and for the use of, our community. We must use them. I am sure we are all looking forward to some sort of normality this summer. We will need to get together to celebrate just being here in Little B.
Simon Hedley