20's Plenty for Little Berkhamsted
The banners, signs and bin stickers are on display reminding drivers that 20mph is plenty as they pass through our lovely village. Please help to encourage drivers to slow right down by doing so yourself, especially around pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.
We are not alone!
The UN are calling for 20mph/30km/h to become the norm in places where people on foot, on bicycles and horseback mix with motor vehicles. Please use the 'Email your MP' facility on the 20's Plenty website https://www.20splenty.org/ungrsw-ukmp which provides an easy way to contact Oliver Heald, our MP, highlighting the need to set a national 20mph speed limit. Every email is another indication to MPs that communities support the high level UN call for lower speed limits and will help to accelerate the introduction of a 20mph speed limit and slower, safer roads in our area.
If you would like to get involved in the Little Berkhamsted campaign please contact littleberkhamsted@20splentyforus.org.uk. Further information can be found at https://www.20splenty.org
Autumn Litter Pick
On a lovely morning 27 intrepid souls took to the roads of Little Berkhamsted to clear our beautiful village of the seemingly endless variety of litter that people (or should we say ‘people who don’t know any better than to spoil nice places’!) decide to deposit wilfully. Car tyres, wing mirrors, bumpers, hub caps, old road signs and cones, gas canisters large and small (some for legal/illegal highs), glass and plastic bottles containing a kaleidoscope of coloured liquids (alcoholic or otherwise), bedside tables and chests of drawers, carpets, coffee cups, barbed wire, hundreds of plastic bags (some containing stuff we did not want to investigate!), bottle tops, crisp packets, chocolate wrappers, straws, sandwich boxes and possibly more than all the others together, drinks cans! I’m sure my fellow pickers would remember more! A huge thank you to Elaine Hunter, who coordinated the whole enterprise, Penny Stokes, Chairman of the PC who enthuses everyone to get involved, The Five Horseshoes and Dave, the manager, who provided us all with a lovely spread of sandwiches and warm nibbles to restore us and to our wonderful band of volunteers who braved those roads, made a little safer by the signs collected and distributed by Lawrence Eaglestone and his team. Well done to one and all. Tony Tyndale
Formal Opening of the Cricket and Community Pavilion
After the torrid stop-start conditions associated with Covid over the last 18 months, we were finally permitted to formally open the Cricket & Community Pavilion following a major refurbishment programme.
The event took place on the evening of the 6th October 2021 and formed part of the Parish Council village social evening and was well attended by the village residents and invited guests.
Speeches of thanks were given by the Parish Council to East Herts Council for their grant award, and a special thanks was given to Mr Lohia, a resident of the village who gave a generous donation towards the works.
Martin Squirrel, president of the Little Berkhamsted Sahibs cricket club, also expressed the cricket club's gratitude for all those who have contributed with the refurbishment works.
In reply, Cllr Ken Crofton and Cllr Linda Hasey representing East Herts Council gave speeches and words of continued support towards activities associated with the village and Parish Council.
The event was wound up with a special plaque presentation from East Herts Council and the unveiling of a village-produced plaque by Cllr Penny Stokes and Cllr Ken Crofton.
Bridleway 18
Bridleway 18 February 2021
Application for a Modification Order to amend the Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way Little Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire.
The Decision Report and associated appendix are available on the county council’s website. The documentation is saved alphabetically by Parish:
- Little Berkhamsted, Little Berkhamsted Lane to BR18, EH481MOD Decision Report
- Little Berkhamsted, Little Berkhamsted Lane to BR18, EH481MOD Decision Report Appendix
What happens next?
The process is set out in the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 as follows; HCC will make an Order to modify the Definitive Map and Statement; this will be advertised for a period of six weeks. An advert will be placed in a local newspaper which will contain the formal notice of the making of the Order. Copies of this notice will be put up on site, as well as the local District Council and Parish Council’s notice boards. This is so that people who are interested or who live locally and/or have used the routes can be informed about the Order. Copies of the Order and notice will be sent to the applicant, the landowner(s), statutory undertakers, interested user groups and all other known interested parties. They will also be available on the county council’s website. Please note that the current Covid-19 pandemic, remote working requirements and associated movement restrictions have impacted the county council’s order making timescales, as well as the ability to fulfil the county council’s advertising duties. It may therefore take longer than usual for the order to be made and advertised.
Once the Order has been made and advertised anyone can make a representation or objection. This must made in writing, within the six week period set out in the accompanying notice, and should include the reasons for making an objection or representation.